Proverbs 11:14 tells us “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.” Can one human solve the problems of another? Maybe, maybe not, but being there to listen, give sound advice, and try to give support and understanding will help a person change course. Once a person wants to make changes and becomes open to change many great things can happen. Everyone is looking for support and encouragement from their very earliest days to becoming a cantankerous old person. Some admit this desire more readily than others but we all need this to feel secure. When our troubles become too great, too intense, too personal, or maybe out of our immediate control we need to bring in someone that can take a fresh look at the circumstances and advise without prejudges. This is where a trained professional counselor can be of a great help in solving many problems.
What is the difference between a Christian Counselor and a Secular Counselor? In many ways they are very much the same. Both very much want to help people solve problems, help people achieve happiness and find joy in their families and life in general, they want people to be mentally and physically healthy, and to be able to enjoy self-esteem and well-adjusted lives. The dictionaries tells us to counsel is to give advice; opinion or instruction given in directing the judgment or conduct of another. The Christian Counselor and the Secular Counselor have both gone through extensive training, usually receiving an advanced degree in Theology, Psychology, Conflict Resolution, Psychiatric, Counseling, and Christian Counseling. Secular means relating to worldly things or to things that are not regarded as religious, spiritual, or sacred. Christian means pertaining to, believing in, or belonging to the religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. Secular Counselors are licensed and approved by a political agency such as the American Psychological Association and a governmental agency such as the Board of Licenses for the State. Christian Counselors are approved, certified, or licensed by their Churches, agencies such as the National Christian Counselors Association, and counseling organizations such as the Sarasota Academy of Christian Counseling. Secular Counselors base their counseling on the worldly sciences and Christian Counselors base their counseling on the Bible.
Secular Psychology views man as a two part being: body and soul. The Bible teaches that man is a three-part being consisting of spirit, soul, and body. Christian Counselors believe that every person has Gods plan embedded within them from birth. Some counselors refer to this as the temperaments given by God that help that person fulfill Gods plan for them. Temperament is what determines how a person reacts or deals with people, places, and things. Temperament Theory is based on understanding the inner man and applying that knowledge to bring balance in all three areas of the temperament. A person that is in total control of their surroundings, how they deal with people and their understanding of things around them do not have the conflicts that torture individuals that are out of control or out of balance.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
Finding Peace with Christian Counseling vs Secular Psychology Counseling
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